Saturday 23 April 2016

OUGD602 PPP 03 Brief 02 Visit Roger Grech Meeting

I met up with and interviewed Roger for my context of practice research, the result of which you can find here.

However, we also talked at length about his professional practice and he gave me a lot of advice about how to get into the very b=niche fields of craft processes.

We talked about the fact that it would be a good idea to stay up in Leeds because there is so much going on in terms of niche craft businesses that are growing. He also said that getting a minimum wage job for a while straight out of college and just spending some time making contacts and work experience would be a great way to get into the scene. This is because you don't have the pressure of having to take the first job you can get and you can find something more suitable for you through the contacts you make in a more relaxed and open way.

I question this a little however, because doing a minimum wage job can make you desperate to do something else, but I do see his point. Once you get a job it starts to dicta the direction your career is going in, so be careful what job you get and don't take it out of fear of not being able to make ends meet.

He also said the best way to learn is by doing, as he did. This again reinforces the idea that I should get work experience in a workshop, hands on environment, rather than a design studio.

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