Thursday 21 April 2016

OUGD603 External Brief DBA Type and Colour Development

As detailed in the last post it was my job to try out slimming down the letters from the original vectors. 

As you can see the change was fairly drastic and i managed to remove about a third of the stroke width without any ill effects on the glyphs. I know there are a few issues with the 'e' and 'r' because they are shorter more self contained letters they actually need less width and line weight to seem the same. However, I will do this if and when the rest of the group feels this is a direction we want to go in.


We had a meeting on Monday morning and agreed that this lighter approach was effective and it was worth refining the 'e' and 'r'. So, I did this and then the colour experimentation ensued.

We when through numerous options inspired by an orange that Melissa came up with in here developmental work, mixing it with a relaxed grey so as to be calm and not too over worked in respect to colour. However, we soon felt that the orange was too construction like and had a vibe of easy jet to it which wasn't what we wanted to communicate. So, we returned to the blue tones that we like at the beginning of the project but this time with an eye to making it bright and friendly. 

We wanted to apply the colour only to 'loop' because of a conversation during the crit stage of the project. In which we talked about the way that 'hyper' creates a tech heavy exciting impression, while 'loop' is the playful open side that makes it approachable. Applying the colour to this section increases this and makes the overall impression more friendly.

This bright sky blue is what we landed on with a tonally similar grey to sit beside it. Once we had decided on this we also agreed on the mock up areas that we wanted to cover. These were:
- a top up card
- a website/app to buy tickets and top up the card
- signage
- infographics fro the interior of the pods to make the technology friendly understandable and approachable.

We divided these up and I am to develop the application of the brand on the top up card.

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