Thursday 21 April 2016

OUGD602 PPP 03 Brief 02 Reflecting on Work Freshers Campaign Evaluation

I think a great measure of the success of the design is the number of applications it has easily been put to. The logo looks great on the freshers guide, tote bags and badges, not to mention the banners and events list. However, something that could have been done better for this project would be colour management. To a certain extent this was because we couldn't afford the luxury of a spot colour or pantone match but the difference in orange between the print and the totes bags is possible the most offensive part. This is mostly because I had no control over the buying of the tote bags. So I think the best way to maintain continuity would have been to create more comprehensive brand guidelines in repeat to colour management.
Working with precision was a real learning curve but an incredibly useful one. The main thing I learned is never to assume they know what they are doing. Always check they understand what you mean and never deal only through emails. Despite the trials o this project in terms of the complexity of print, I now feel confident organising such a complex and demanding order. A useful skill.
Something that in retrospect I feel possibly could have been improved would be the interior folding of the guide. This is because I feel it was too complex to fold back up. I still have no idea how I could have made it more simple without loosing content, but that is what I would change.
Overall, the guides and the campaign have been very positively received. I have had nothing but good reports back from the SU and the Freshers said was the most highly attended yet! 

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