Saturday 6 February 2016

OUGD601 External Brief DBA Hyperloop

After doing research into the functionality of the hyperloop train, I collected some images of technical drawings together and filled in my earlier typographic sketches to get a better idea of how it might look. although I know there are aspects of this type that are wrong for purpose and there are many other styles I want to play around with, for the small bits of experimentation I am doing it will suffice.

I took the technical drawings and blue prints and did some sketches that brought together the line making and shapes that define it as a style. This looked quite steam punk as you can see and upon talking to other members of the team it was suggested that a stripped back application could help with this effect.

So, I tried out the application. I like the concept overall. However, it does look a bit like a science museum logo or something, a little bit educational in appearance. This is something I will bring to the next meeting to see if anyone can suggest a solution or way of rectifying this.

I looked at changing the image aspect to something more mechanical engineering than a general sense of 'Science'. However, this began to look increasingly stem punk and overtly mechanical in a complex and slightly intimidating way.

I also had the idea of increasing the tracking of the logo as you read it. This was based on the idea of red shift and the way light waves become longer and more widely spaced when something is moving away from you quickly.

While looking to refine and create a more sleek look with the type I had designed I thought to introduce the idea of directional forces of air which are used to suspend the pod. I did this by adding arrow like terminals to the letters and then separating these shapes to form an image based aspect to the design. I don't know how effective this is, it may not communicate enough of the incredible tech behind the machine.

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