Tuesday 17 February 2015

OUGD502 PPP Taking Care of Business Slide Allocation and Presentation

We went through the slides and separated out the subjects so each person could talk about what they had researched and would be confident. We also timed the presentation and it should fall within the ten minuet limit.
Slide Separation:
  1. Beth- Introduce and explain logo
  2. Beth- explain textures of gif
  3. Declan-what we are
  4. Declan- summary of manifesto
  5. James-USP explained
  6. Josiah- meet the team and gifs explained
  7. Josiah- meet the team and gifs explained
  8. Josiah- same as above
  9. Beth- explain role changes in each brief
  10. Josiah- location of studio and perks
  11. Josiah- decoration of studio Interdisciplinary and collaborative space
  12. Ashley-Start up costs breakdown
  13. James- Breakdown of running costs
  14. James- rate best case scenario
  15. James- rate breakdown worst case scenario
  16. Beth- Structure of company and designated members
  17. Billie- What we do as a studio
  18. Billie- Targeting and getting clients Hungry sandwich reference
  19. Billlie- Terms and conditions summarised
  20. Ashley- Aims and aspirations
  21. Declan- Open for questions
  22. Beth- we were Bracket, thank you

My personal preparation for the presentation varied slightly from that of the groups. Although we went through a rehearsal of the presentation on tuesday night, long before the final presentation on Thursday, I found I needed to write down some bullet points for each of the slides so that I could look back to these during the final presentation if I needed to. The rehearsal was very useful and we each found extra things to talk about during the rehearsal that were important and needed mentioning. I am excited about the presentation and think that it will go really well, we have managed to fit large amount of information into a short presentation. 

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