Tuesday 17 February 2015

OUGD502 PPP Brief 02 Taking Care of Business Meeting The Hungry Sandwich Club

As a group we were aware that we could do with some direct advice from some professionals about the challenges everyone faces when setting up a company. The newest start ups we know are The Hungry Sandwich Club, who used the incubation period at Duke Street Studios. We set up a casual meeting with them to get some advice.

Despite being a very casual thing, we got a lot of valuable information. Foe example, details about the Duke street start up support: we had no idea that they helped with the accounting and legal aspects of setting up a studio, this makes it a very attractive option. They had some very decisive advice about working with clients and had a few horror storied too. Details like getting 50 % paid up front at the signing of the client contract, and being confident to enforce it. They also suggested that and project mock ups or even finals should be water marked so that they don't get the work until they have paid.

When it comes to getting clients they said that there dominant method was just talking to people both in and out of the creative industries. Word of mouth seemed to be most effective for them. However, a studio that works in the same space as them, passport, has lots of jobs through behance, so we have added this to the platforms that we would want to use to promote ourselves. 

They had some interesting advice on the creative industries specific to leeds. They said that they have such a niche discipline that they often get to work with bigger studios and their skill set meant that they weren't stepping on any toes in leeds. This is something that we have struggled with, because we just didn't want to do one thing. However, this could also be our selling point. 

All in all it was a very fruitful meeting and definitely a contact worth fostering.

After the meeting we talked about our placement within the Leeds Creative Market and how we would make ourselves useful. Josiah Summarised these decisions perfectly on his blog.



Highlighting independent ventures works well in our ethics as a studio and our view of the importance of working locally as well as nationally. 

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