Thursday 27 November 2014

OUGD502 PPP Evaluation of Development

Today in a short presentation about the PPP module John asked a few questions to stimulate the evaluation of our personal progress and how we feel we have changed over the summer. So, I thought I would go through them and answer them to the best of my ability to try and stimulate some more ideas about my self branding project.

What are your aspirations?

-I would have to say that my aspirations are everything. I simply want to do and experience as much as possible. I want to work out of the country and collaborate withe new and exciting people. Most of all I want to be part of a design team. I need the banter, the give and take of a social scenario in order to design at my best.

Has anything in particular affected you over summer?

-I guess the thing that has affected me the most would be that I had my first job. I was a waitress. This iOS something that has really taught me what stress really is. To understand how to roll with the punches and most of all not to procrastinate and just get on with things. This has allowed me a much more mentally balanced approach to this year of the course. I feel that even though the work load is heavier, I know how to deal with it and have enough confidence in my self that I feel I am regularly doing my best with designs. This is the most important thing to me; even though the designs might not be the best in the world, if I feel that I have done the best I could, I am content.

What do you want to change in your practice?

-I want to refine my illustrative approach to design. As I have come into the second year I have been much happier implementing a design approach that is much more hands on and much less screen based. Not only does this help me to achieve an aesthetic that just feels right to me and make me feel like I have produced something with while and real, it also makes me enjoy the process of design 10 times more. I want to do this to a greater degree and have more creative freedom to use slightly crazy artistic approaches.

If you had any experience of professional creative practice, did you feel up to scratch?

- Yes, Over summer I had my first real life paid piece of graphics design. I was a brief passed on to me by two freelance graphic designers so it was quite relaxed and open. I really enjoyed the brief and in the end felt like I had produced something that both the client and myself were happy with. What more can you ask for!
What influences you the most?

Did you meet anyone that inspired or interested you?

-As well as meeting Alex and Steve who were the freelance designers that passed on the brief mentioned above, I also met a woman called Judith. She runs the small cafe that I worked in over summer and she made me realise that what I though was a high work load was in fact pittance. She did everything from making the cakes to the accounts and never stopped. Although I don't want this life style for myself I feel that if you try you could pretty much deal with anything.

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