Saturday 18 October 2014

OUGD502 Brief 01 Self Branding Seminar/Workshop

Because coming up with a logo and brand for ourselves as designers is part of the first brief of this module we had a seminar simply looking at the importance of self branding and why we need it going out onto the job market for the first time.
A brand is needed for individuality, to separate you from the masses of other people looking for jobs in the same sector. Our brands need to encompass and represent us, focussing on our unique selling points as designers and creatives. To convince possible employers that they want you rather than anyone else.
John talked us trough his meted of approaching a branding design; product, range and distribution.
In tis instance we are the products, the range is the skill set and knowledge that we have and the distribution is how we are going to get that information to the people that count.

The identity we need to convey is We went on to talk about (in groups), who and what we are, how we would define this, the services we can provide as individual creatives and evaluate how we would go about communicating and delivering this information.

In the brief we were told that we would need to produce a pack that would be the format of application for the brand we develop. Of course the first things I thought were business cards and merchandise. However, as we got talking about this we soon realised that this could be taken differently, it could be digital, especially if we were seeking to work over seas. There are any number of possibilities and I need to be careful not to block off the more outrageous and creative ones.
We were then shown a Ted Talk by Jacob Cass, the owner and creator of Johnny Cupcakes. It is fascinating to hear not only ow he created the business but how the brand grew from the ethos of the company and how this was realised visual and conceptually i.e. bakeries that don't sell bread.

We the got into groups and talked about each of us individually and how we were perceived by others. I got a lot of information regarding the hands on approach to design that I have and funnily enough the way that I speak; properly or in an old fashioned manner but also very enthusiastically. 

We then did an exercise where we put our names at the top of a piece of paper for people to write word associations about us and our identity on. Something that crept up a lot was this idea of the traditionally English with some sort of twist. This could be an area for further development. I also think the scale element might be something to play on, somehow making fun of my own hight, because it is something that everyone notices about me.

Along this theme of size I came up with the name Elittlebeth as a play on Elizabeth. I really like this and want to develop this idea further. Although, this traditionally English area should be explored to.

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