Tuesday 1 April 2014

OUGD402 Study Task One Why am I Here and What do I Want To Learn

Because the structure of the study tasks was not made at all clear this task has only just been made live and was not briefed at the beginning of the year. So, I will do it retrospectively, looking at what my responses would have been.

5 Reasons why I wanted to study this program. 
-I wanted a course that would push me to be better.
-I wanted a small class size to promote a sense of community.
-I wanted a college that allowed all students access to all production methods.
-A written reflective aspect that complimented the practical side of the course.
-They made it hard to get on and so I had to try.

5 things I want to learn.
-As much about the nuances of typography as possible.
-To refine my own personal design practice.
-Understand the balance between aesthetic and concept.
-How to make contact with professionals.
-The relationships between colours and how to manipulate them.

-Very though full assessment of a problem.
-Communicating effectively both vocally and in written format.
-Thorough documentation of design process.
-Eagerness to chat about my own and other's projects.
-Openness about my work even when it is bad and needs improvement.

-Ability to take criticism.
-Visual translations of concept based projects.
-Ensuring the design and style suits the brief rather than what I wanted to do.
-Go beyond my comfort zone and try more high impact aesthetics.
-Achieving a smooth slick aesthetic as well as a concept based design.

Evaluation Methods.
-Taking stock and writing on my PPP blog after each module and as many briefs as possible.
-Returning to these improvements in each of my module evaluations.
-Comparing my work with my piers on the course.
-Bring up these areas in individual tutorials with tutors.
-Continual awareness of these areas during each brief.

-Can I manage the work load on this course.
-Does my illustrative style have a place in graphic design.
-Can I make contact with professionals and gain for the dialogue.
-Is it possible to balance the concept and aesthetic of a project.
-What are the psychological aspects of graphic design and how can they be utilised in the design process.

-Terry Pratchett
(Author of fiction, great comic timing and sense of humour and ability to think in a completely amazing and unexpected way)

-Joseph Fink Welcome to Nightvale creator.

-William Morris designs

william morris
-Hand rendered type Bryan todd

bryan todd
-Jane Ray Illustrator

Fields of Creative interest.
Jane Ray
- wallpaper patterns
-interesting ideas and concepts (white horse)
What a horse is, rather than simply what it looks like. Capturing the experience of the horse in a few flowing lines.

- Hand rendered Type

-Graphic Novels.
- Moving image design.


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