Sunday 9 March 2014

OUGD406 Studio brief 02 Contact with Professionals and Students PPP Brief One

We made contact with Sean McCabe, Ahoy Studios and Osar Wilson.

Hello there!
We are a group of Graphic Design students at Leeds College of Art and we are trying to create a viral campaign exposing interesting typography. We absolutely love your work with type and type as image. Would you be happy about us using some of the images from your website to do so? we will of course include a link to your website.
Yes, sounds cool. Please add links and send me what you’re doing

We would also love it if you could answer just a few questions about your typographic practice:

1.Could you tell us about something your working on at the moment?
Nothing type-wise at the moment but just finished a new Puma store in Cape Town with my brother Ben, (Wilson brothers) and our friends at Brinkworth, - opened last night

2.Could you explain the design process you go through, is type the first thing thought off?
3.Where do you draw your inspiration from when choosing type?
All my type is hand-drawn, so the image I am working to (usually a photographic ref) is the first point in the process

4.Could you suggest a designer that has inspired you?
Gordon House (link is to his prints, but seek out his 60’s graphics work for artists shows / catalogues. He was a friend and mentor)

5.What is your favourite font at the moment?
Nothing in particular, I only really use ‘working’ fonts for email and invoices, everything else is hand drawn

6. you'r work has an obvious influence of 60's typography would you say its important to have a specific style of work? 
I guess so, to get noticed / stand out, but important that the style can evolve and change with time to keep it interesting (for me)

Thank you so much for your time, we really appreciate any wisdom you can share,
hope to hear from you soon.
PS: I went to Leeds too, Is Mick Marston still there?
please send my best regards if so

Ahoy there,

Thanks for getting in touch! Certainly you can post some of our web images on the site you're developing, but please do credit them properly and send me the link sometime! I'm curious what you're coming up with! You may have to take screenshots though.

Answers to your questions below.

Good luck with your project! It's nice to see young designers passionate about design and in particular typography!

Connie Koch

PHONE 212.645.0565
FAX 212.807.7004

On Mar 4, 2014, at 1:03 PM, Type & Eye <> wrote:

Hello there!

We are a group of Graphic Design students at Leeds College of Art and we are trying to create a viral campaign exposing the amazing typography going on in the UK and beyond! We love your  type when it comes to branding and publications. Would you be happy about us using some of the images from your website to do so? we will of course include a link to your website.

We would also love it if you could answer just a few questions about your typographic practice:

1.When approaching a brief how much time do you spend considering the typographic aspect of the designs?
Typography is the pride and joy of our work as designers, so we dedicate a lot of time not only to the initial type selection, but also to its continuous development and refinement. Great typography is the key to successful design, and it is not only about display type, but also the treatment of body copy and all other text elements. Crafting all this information into a beautiful type composition is never done quickly.

2.Have you attempted designing a font? and what are the difficulties you have encountered in doing so?
Yes. The biggest challenge is to create a harmonious flow of the letters in relation to each other.

3.Where do you draw your inspiration from when illustrating type?
The streets of New York and Berlin. Art books and beautifully designed books and magazines. 

4.Could you suggest a designer/illustrator in this area that has inspired you?
Today, Bridget Riley, Urs Lüthi, Arboretum by David Byrne.

5.What is you favourite font at the moment?
Voice bold condensed. Beautiful narrow display type for large, loud headlines.

Type & Eye

6 Mar (3 days ago)
to Connie
Hi Connie,
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. We are just getting off the ground with a blog which draws attention to great professional and student work, and provides some guidance for creative students in general in the area of typography, with hint, tips and resources. I have included a link on the blog and I hope everything is ok. If we have done anything you are even a little bit unsure of please let us know. We are only first years and are just getting to grips with the design world in general! we also have twitter and Facebook, please look us up.
Thanks again, it so nice that professionals such as your self take time to respond to students all the way in distant Leeds!

Beth from Type & Eye

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