Friday 17 January 2014

OUGD402 Networking Task Two

Why is networking good for ME personally?

- It allows me to comprehend the proffessional creative industry that I will be going into at the end of this degree. It creates connections with people who inspire and improve my design process and its results. Most of all it introduces the social aspect of design, which in my view is the backbone of the practice, in which people share thoughts ideas and ways of thinking that allow design as a discipline to grow and change and continue to be exiting and engaging.

For what I may get out of it is it worth it? YES/NO

-Apart from everything mentioned above, I think a confidence in making contacts with designers would be gleaned from being willing to chat with professionals. So, the answer is a resounding yes. Design is all about the people who create it, without them it lack all ability to communicate to its audience.

WHAT can I get out of this?

-A confidence in myself as someone who others might want to work with and an understanding of the areas of the creative industries I want to go into.

Am I doing this simply because I am being asked to?

- No, I would have done it my self, but the encouragement means that it will happen a lot sooner.

WHAT do I think that I am NOT doing as far as networking?

-Spend more time really researching design studios before approaching them so I can be confident enough to do it and show a real interest and awareness of what they are doing.

Do YOU think that in this kind communication, language is a major barrier?

-Not with the technology available to us today. However, it does require a greater commitment to making the connection.

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